Thursday, September 5, 2013


I meant to post this the other day... but one thing drove out another. So here it is. We planted a small plum tree a few years ago and this year it produced a couple plums for us!

I noticed them a week or so ago. I did not pick them because I thought they needed to turn more purple... turns out that they are actually an old European variety called Green Gage or Reine Claude. It's apparently a semi-dwarf plum tree that produces a small to medium, greenish-yellow skinned plum. SO, I let them stay on the tree too long.

However, they were still quite tasty! Check out the very sweet amber flesh. The skin was a little more bitter. According to the label, it has unsurpassed flavor and is considered one of the finest dessert plums. We got this one because it is well adapted to cold regions and is self-fertile.

- Dan

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


We went shopping yesterday and got a bunch of stuff for the Pumphouse! I can actually feel it all coming together, we might just have a decent shed for Oktoberfest! (That 'little' german festival we have around here every September...)

One thing we purchased was paint. We always knew we were going to paint the actual shed some sort of white. The windows and trim were going to be red but... after I made that sign you saw the other day, we decided to go with a sort of cool minty green color for the window trim...

And thanks to my uncle for letting us use his old windows! (above)

What do you think?!

- Dan

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day everybody! It seems that all of our sunflowers are at their finest today! Take a look!

Mammoth Russian Sunflower


These are also Mammoth Russian Sunflowers, but they seem to be a lot smaller. They probably did not have ideal growing conditions. They were in heavy clay and were not watered as frequently.

I can't get enough of how perfect the patterns are!

These are obviously a different kind of sunflower... They are a variety called Autumn Beauty!

Enjoy your extra day off!

 - Dan

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday

Today was my mom's birthday and this is what I made for her! A sign for the little project we've been working on...

- Dan

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pear Pickin'

Today I finally buckled down and started a way, way overdue task... Our long neglected pear tree has been picked! Witness the carnage of lost souls, er pears, under our tree that were unfortunately not picked.

I used our fruit picker basket. It comes in handy for getting those really high pears!

The little claws (or teeth?) on the basket are the secret to picking. Just guide it gently under the pear and get the stem between the claws and pull... If the pear is ready to be picked it will come free easily and if not... well you just take down the branch with it! Probably not the best scenario but oh well...

Look at these beautiful green pears compared to the bee invested ones on the ground! I had to watch my step the whole time for fear of making the bees and wasps angry.

I ended up picking about two 5 gallon buckets today... They were kind of heavy, notice the broken handle on the white bucket.

I think we are planning on dehydrating these pears to make some tasty snacks! I will show you if and when we do!

- Dan

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Sketch 10 & 11

Since I did not put up a sketch last Sunday... I am putting up two today!

- Dan

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Today we made some more progress on the Pumphouse!

Notice the circle out in front of it? That will be a paved patio to sit out on while you enjoy your drink of choice!

We put on the whole bottom row of shingles... But first we had to cut each one down to size!

And prime every last one, front and back...


Then the shingles went on, making sure no cracks lined up!

We obviously have a little more to repair above and some shingles to re-nail down... But we finished the bottom row for now, so that we could set her down nice and easy.

Looking a little tipsy?

After setting it down, we had to re-lay some of the pavers below that got moved and the front end needed some adjusting. BUT she is all set. More work to follow of course!



- Dan